Wednesday 28 September 2016

Method Of Physical Action

The method of physical action is used in expanding on Stanislavsky's methods in creating units and objectives, so that the actor is more able to understand the thought processes and physical direction that accompanies each line/unit in the scene. When working through your script a physical action is needed for each unit so you understand what your character is physically doing to the other elements/characters in that scene. A physical action is made up of a TRANSITIVE VERB where the verb fits into the structure of I ____ you, for example I empower you. This physical action also fits alongside your objective so both things should correspond in terms of their aims. A physical action is important for your objectives as it enables actors to connect their minds to their bodies. Objectives focus on how the thoughts of the character operate and what they are trying to gain. This method on its own purely focuses on what the brain of the character is doing and therefore offers no incentive for the actor to translate this into a physicality/what actions would come out of it, by creative a physical action (transitive verb) for each unit you are able to have an overall understand of both the characters thoughts and how these are pursued in their actions. 

The method of physical action was explored in rehearsals via creating a 'score' of physical actions and then repeating these until they become so familiar that you are no longer acting them. To understand thks furthur in class we did a simple action, like opening your front door, in such detail that was only specific to how we open OUR EXACT front door. This piece of movement should feel natural and not forced, the aim was to be able to do it/describe it in such detail that anyone could come along and action opening your door exactly how you would. 

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