Thursday 22 September 2016

Objectives and Super Objectives

Objectives are one of the main methods developed by Stanislavsky. For each character you play you will have a super-objective, this is the overall thing that your character is trying to gain through out the play. By having a super-objective you're are able to adapt to anything that may arise during your scene that isn't scripted as you know what your character will want to get from that new situation. A characters objective on the other hand is only temporary and specific to the given circumstances of that scene/bit. An objective helps you to deliver your lines and understand how your character would repond to others lines as now you have a basic understanding of what they are trying to achieve through their speech and how that effects their reactions. As I metioned in my tempo-rhythm post, the objective effects the pace of the scene and your character. This is because if your objective to to (for example) not get killed thwen the stakes are extremely high and therefore you are going to try harder to achieve your objective, meaning an increase in pace and intensity. The exercise we did in class helped to demonstrate how hard it can be to maintian an objective/multiple objectives as every other character is also trying to achieve their objective. Often these objectives clash and conflict arise, therefore youn must tr harder to acheive your objective despite the conflict. 

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